Saudi Society of medical genetics

“Welcome to the first specialized scientific society in the field of medical genetics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and indeed in the Arab and Islamic world. It was established on February 17, 2008, under the umbrella of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.”


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About society

The Saudi Society of medical genetics was established on 10/2/1429 AH corresponding to 17/2/2008 AD under the umbrella of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties as the first scientific Society specialized in the field of genetics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and indeed in the Arab and Islamic world.

To be a regional leader with a global presence in the various fields of genetic medicine.

The Saudi Society of Medical Genetics aims to be a forum through which everyone with an interest in the field of genetic medicine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contributes to developing and coordinating the medical practice of genetics and enriching scientific research, educational, professional and societal communication.

1) Growing and developing the scientific and professional thinking and performance of the members of the Society.

2) Contribute to the movement of scientific and professional progress in the fields of Medical Genetics.

3) The exchange of scientific production between scientific and professional institutions and bodies inside and outside.

4) Providing the necessary consultations and studies to raise the level of performance in the fields of Medical Genetics.

5) Contribute to setting standards for practicing the profession in the field of Medical Genetics.

6) Raising the level of genetic health awareness in the community.

1) Holding conferences, symposia and seminars in the fields of Medical Genetics.

2) Encouraging scientific research in the fields of Medical Genetics.

3) Issuing a scientific periodical in the field of Medical Genetics.

4) Issuing awareness leaflets and publications for the community in the fields of specialization of the Society.

5) Inviting the relevant scholars and thinkers to participate in the Society’s activities.

6) Contribute to the training and continuing education program in the fields of specialization of the Society

7) Providing technical advice to the various health authorities regarding health practices, activities and procedures.

8) Effective scientific participation in regional and international conferences, exhibitions and symposia.

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Contact us

15 + 11 =

Association branches

رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"

Main branch

Location: Building No. 3074, Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz Road,

P.O.BOX 50182, Riyadh 12213 , Level 29, Tower B, Olaya Towers,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia




Dr. Dalal Khaled Bubshait


Dr.. Khadija Bakr

Dr. Maha Nasser Al-Harbi


Dr. Ali Al-Awaji